From Tito Eliatron Dixit there is born the proposal of a Carnival of the Mathematics so that the Castilian-speaking blogueros we write articles about something related to the mathematics then to compile them and to give him diffusion!
To take part, you have only to write an article in your blog related to the mathematics during the week from February 8 until February 12 and report in the blog of Tito Eliatron Dixit ( For more information, he visits the post on the carnival that is published in his blog and that "annexed" you next:
Before the tremendous reception that has shown the initiative of the Carnival of the Physics in the blogosfera of Hispanic speech, and after consulting it with a wide group of bloggers related, somehow, with the mathematics, I believe that there has come the moment to throw the Carnival of Mathematics.
It is necessary to emphasize that in the blogosfera of Hispanic speech there is no initiative of this type. Nevertheless, yes that exists in English, Carnival of Mathematics, that at the beginning of January 61 came to the edition; and in Italian, Carnevale Della Matematica, that in the middle of December 20 came to the edition.
During the week from February 8 until February 12 all those that queráis to take part, you will have to publish in your blogs an entry on mathematics in any of his aspects: publication, curiosities, investigation, appointments, images, … any thing is good, siemrpe that is related to announce the Mathematics.
On Monday, the 15th of February, in Tito Eliatron Dixit, a summary will appear with all the earnings that have been published during the previous week. If you want to appear in the list, it would request you that enviárais an e-mail to eliatron {AT} indicating that you want to take part and the blog (his direction, we go) with that you are going to do it. It is important that in the earnings that you prepare, one alludes to the Carnival of Mathematics, doing link, good to the web of the Carnival, good to the web of the blog host.
I hope that this initiative of the Carnival of Mathematics in Spanish I have half of the aftereffect that the English versions and Italian have gone so far as to have. For it, as in case of the physics and to centralize a little the contents, we have created the page of the Carnival of Mathematics in, where you can already sign up. There the same you will be able to raise also the articles with which you are going to take part in the Carnival of Mathematics. Even if you do not have blog, you can do your contribution across the same web.
Finally, it would be interesting that this initiative was not a thing of only one edition, so if you are interested in receiving future editions of the Carnival of Mathematics, you have only to contact with me, or to leave a comment in this entry, and we will be already putting dates. Perhaps 1 edition a month, would be well, but all kinds of suggestions is admitted.
Only I can only cheer you up that you inform in this initiative to spread and to announce the kind side of the Mathematics.
Tito Eliatron Dixit.
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