It is a question of a day on dedicated to Nuclear fusion as energy for the future where he will explain himself how is life right now in the career for the merger, the problematic ones that we have been for the way and which we have left for overcoming. Along the day there will be realized several papers that they were speaking to us about the project ITER and some of the used technologies, the state of the Merger in Spain and the role of the Supercomputing in the investigation.
In the evening, titled Simulaciones de Fusión will project a documentary produced by the Institute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Saragossa in 3D. At the last hour, an exhibition will be inaugurated on the Merger that will last from March 4 until May 2, 2010.
TECHNICAL DAY ON MERGEROn Thursday, March 4, 2010
Place: Museu of the Science i of the Skill of Catalunya (mNACTEC) Boulevard d'Ègara, 270. TERRASSA
Free inscriptions in or in the phone 93 736 89 63
An exhibition to know the experiments that are realized in the CERN, with the intention of bringing over the physics of particles and the studies on the origin of the universe to the big public. We will discover which are the experiments that are realized at present in the CERN (European Center of Nuclear Investigation) and we will be able to get inside a recreation to real size of the underground tunnel. Also, we will find some objects that have been part of important experiments in the CERN.
So if after reading the article of the same blog about the LHC you remained with desire of more, you have until March 7 to do a visit to him.
Museu of the Science i of the Skill of Catalunya (mNACTEC) Share it
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